Class HQSL

The HQSL object represents a QSO through the entire parsing, signing and verification life cycle.


  • Construct a HQSL from scratch.

    No syntax checking is performed at this stage, though it will happen when anything calls signedData.


    • Optionalfields: {
          extra?: string;
          freq: number;
          from: string;
          mode: string;
          signal?: string;
          to: string;
          when: UTCDate;
          where: string;
      • Optionalextra?: string

        Extra data.

      • freq: number

        Frequency in MHz.

      • from: string

        QSL sender call sign.

      • mode: string

        Communication mode.

      • Optionalsignal?: string

        Signal report.

      • to: string

        QSL recipient call sign.

      • when: UTCDate

        QSO datetime in UTC.

      • where: string

        QSL sender Maidenhead grid location.

    Returns HQSL


extra?: string

Extra data.

freq?: number


from?: string

Sender's call sign

mode?: string


reserved?: string

Reserved field. Don't use it.

signal?: string

Signal report.

signature?: Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

Binary signature data.

to?: string

Correspondent's call sign.

verification?: HQSLVerification

Verification results.

when?: UTCDate

QSO date in UTC. Requires the use of date-fns to properly work in UTC.

where?: string

Sender's grid square


  • get band(): string

    Derives an ADIF-standardized band name from frequency.

    Returns string

  • get displayDate(): string

    Derives a date in a generic ISO-like format for display.

    Returns string

  • get hamDate(): string

    Derives a datetime formatted as per HQSL standard.

    Returns string

  • get signedData(): string

    Constructs a signable string from the HQSL, throwing SyntaxErrors in case of missing or malformed data fields.

    Returns string

    The entire HQSL as string sans the signature field.


  • Formats a complete HQSL as an ADIF string. Will contain a fully encoded .toString() in APP_HQSL_DATA.

    Returns string

    A string of a single-QSO ADIF.

  • Formats a complete HQSL as string. Signed HQSLs will contain the encoded signature, while unsigned will have UNSIGNED in the signature field as the standard specifies.

    Returns string

    A string containing the HQSL (sans a header)

  • Parses an ADIF file string to construct a series of HQSL. Whether any of it will be signable depends on how complete the ADIF was.


    • s: string

      An ADIF file string.

    • call: string

      The default call to assume if none is present in the record.

    • grid: string

      The default grid to assume if none is present in the record.

    Returns HQSL[]

    Error in case of ADIF parsing errors and SyntaxError when data of a QSO is insufficient to construct a valid HQSL.

  • Parses a HQSL from string, applying as many verification checks as feasible. Will ignore an URL header if present.


    • s: string

      A string containing the HQSL

    Returns HQSL

    HQSL object

    SyntaxError describing a particular parsing error.