Function generateSignerKey

  • A shorthand function to generate a signer key in a way that is known to be compatible with all existing HQSL implementations and should be widely supported. Produces an OpenPGP v4/ed25519 key with no salted signatures.

    Since one key owner may use many different call signs, and often, a call sign may have multiple people using it over time or even simultaneously, it is most reasonable to have the primary user ID identify the key owner in whichever way is most expedient (Hamlog.Online uses plain integer IDs) while all the callsigns it claims are expressed in additional user IDs.


    • userid: string

      The primary User ID string.

    • calls: string[]

      An array of callsigns for this key to claim. Must contain pure callsigns with no slashes, or be an empty array.

    Returns Promise<
            privateKey: PrivateKey;
            publicKey: PublicKey;
            revocationCertificate: string;

    Error if any of the the call signs given were not valid.