You will generally want to use setup instead.
Array of public key objects to trust.
Array of key server URLs.
Timeout on key server lookups.
List of key server URLs.
Timeout used when accessing key servers.
Array of public keys to be trusted for certification.
Given a public key, identify a list of callsign/start/end triplets it is to be accepted for, and which key certified each triplet as such. While this is used internally when verifying, it is also useful when you wish to verify an arbitrary message signed by a HQSL signing key.
Public key
An array of CertificationRange in a promise.
Lookup a key on every HKP keyserver initialized into the instance. Will stop trying them in order the moment one returns a reply containing a public key.
Query string. When seeking by key IDs, you may want to add "0x" yourself, if needed.
Parsed public keys.
Publish a public key to the HKP key servers.
The key to publish.
targetKeyServer: stringWill attempt to publish the key to ALL key servers known, unless this parameter is a key server URL.
setupCreate a new HQSL verifier and signer instance. You have to use this, instead of a straight constructor, because of the async operations involved.
Array of certifier keys to be considered trustworthy. Can be ascii-armored, binary, or pre-loaded OpenPGP keys.
keyServers: string[]Array of key server URLs. Key servers are assumed to be HKPS/HKP keyservers, so nothing but the domain name and the protocol (and optionally, port) should actually be present. If empty or omitted, the default keyserver will be used.
timeout: numberKey server request timeout. The default timeout is set at 1000ms.
The instance you will be using.
A verifier and signer class for HQSL, this object takes care of interfacing to key servers and working with public keys.